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Group IV Dental Laboratory


Restorations at Group 4 Dental Lab

The tried and true restoration method of porcelain fused to metal is a staple in the dental industry. Crafting flawless PFM’s is a must for any dental lab and we at Group 4 Dental Lab are thrilled to produce the most aesthetically pleasing PFM’s on the market today. Not only are our PFM offerings aesthetically pleasing, they are long lasting and stable, boasting the ability to recover your patient’s dental health.

Close up of porcelain restoration

The Key to Producing High-Quality PFM Restorations

We give you the greatest variety in occlusion shade and price options

There is no substitution for experience. Expertise is something we value highly at Group 4 Dental Lab. Not only to we provide our technicians with the highest quality training in the industry, we employ those who have devoted their life to the art that is porcelain restoration crafting. Consistency and quality is what you can expect from every case you send us.

Nobel & High-Noble Alloys

By offering both noble and high-noble alloys for our porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations, we give you cost-effective alternatives based on today's gold prices.

Noritake Porcelain

Noritake porcelain has proven itself consistently over the years. Remarkably fine particle size and the coefficient of thermal expansion allows the restoration to remain stable through repeated bakings. This allows us to make long span bridges fully customized even when repeatedly baking the entire span. Offering the very best in fluorescence it is also highly resistant to silver-induced greening.

Over 50 Years of Porcelain Expertise

The three porcelain professionals that we employ have a combine 50+ years of expertise in the art that is porcelain restorations. When the choice comes down to experience and reliability, you can trust us.

Please call us today at (503) 297-2431 to place your case order. Remember, we take care of shipping to and from our facility so that you and your practice can take care of what matters – your patients. If you prefer email we can always be reached at
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(503) 297-2431


Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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Group IV Dental Laboratory, 14791 SW. Millikan Way, Beaverton, OR 97006-2388 ^ (503) 297-2431 ^ ^ 2/7/2025 ^ Related Phrases: dental implants Beaverton OR ^